library (data.table)
compute_fc_dt <- function (df, measurement_col, group_cols, value_col = "value" ) {
if (! requireNamespace ("data.table" , quietly = TRUE )) {
stop ("The 'data.table' package is required but not installed." )
# Convert to data.table and validate input
dt <- (df)
stopifnot (value_col %in% colnames (dt),
all (group_cols %in% colnames (dt)),
measurement_col %in% colnames (dt))
# Ensure the value column is numeric and remove NA values
dt <- dt[! (get (value_col))]
dt[[value_col]] <- as.numeric (dt[[value_col]])
# Compute fold changes for all group column combinations
final_result <- purrr:: map_dfr (unique (dt[[measurement_col]]),function (measure){
dt_measure <- dt[get (measurement_col) == measure]
# Compute fold changes for each group column
purrr:: map_dfr (group_cols,function (group_col){
levels <- unique (dt_measure[[group_col]])
combos <- combn (levels, 2 , simplify = FALSE )
# Calculate fold changes for each pair of levels
purrr:: map_dfr (combos,function (combo){
group1 <- combo[1 ]
group2 <- combo[2 ]
# Compute means for each group
mean1 <- dt_measure[get (group_col) == group1, mean (get (value_col), na.rm = TRUE )]
mean2 <- dt_measure[get (group_col) == group2, mean (get (value_col), na.rm = TRUE )]
# Calculate fold change and avoid division by zero
fold_change <- mean1 / mean2
if (fold_change < 1 ) fold_change <- 1 / fold_change
# Append the result to the list
data.table (
measurement = measure,
group_col = group_col,
group1 = group1,
group2 = group2,
AVAL = fold_change
# Combine results and add analysis column
final_result[['PARAM' ]] = "fold_change"
return (final_result)
compute_fc_dplyr <- function (df, measurement_col, group_cols, value_col = "value" ) {
if (! requireNamespace ("data.table" , quietly = TRUE )) {
stop ("The 'data.table' package is required but not installed." )
# Convert to data.table and validate input
dt <- tibble:: as_tibble (df)
stopifnot (value_col %in% colnames (dt),
all (group_cols %in% colnames (dt)),
measurement_col %in% colnames (dt))
# Ensure the value column is numeric and remove NA values
dt <-
dt |>
dplyr:: filter (! (.data[[value_col]])) |>
dplyr:: mutate (
dplyr:: across (dplyr:: all_of (value_col), as.numeric)
# Compute fold changes
result <-
unique (dt[[measurement_col]]) |>
purrr:: map_dfr (function (measure) {
dt_measure <-
dt |>
dplyr:: filter (.data[[measurement_col]] == measure)
group_cols |>
purrr:: map_dfr (function (group_col) {
dt_measure |>
dplyr:: summarise (
mean_value = mean (.data[[value_col]], na.rm = TRUE ),
.by = dplyr:: all_of (group_col)
) |>
dplyr:: summarise (
AVAL = mean_value[1 ] / mean_value[2 ],
group_value1 = .data[[group_col]][1 ],
group_value2 = .data[[group_col]][2 ],
group_column = group_col,
!! measurement_col := measure
}) |>
dplyr:: mutate (
PARAM = "fold_change"
) |>
dplyr:: relocate (
dplyr:: any_of (c (
"group_column" ,measurement_col,
"group_value1" ,"group_value2" ,
return (result)
compute_fc_dtplyr <- function (df, measurement_col, group_cols, value_col = "value" ) {
if (! requireNamespace ("data.table" , quietly = TRUE )) {
stop ("The 'data.table' package is required but not installed." )
# Convert to data.table and validate input
stopifnot (value_col %in% colnames (df),
all (group_cols %in% colnames (df)),
measurement_col %in% colnames (df))
# Ensure the value column is numeric and remove NA values
dt <-
df |>
dtplyr:: lazy_dt () |>
dplyr:: filter (! (.data[[value_col]])) |>
dplyr:: mutate (
dplyr:: across (dplyr:: all_of (value_col), as.numeric)
# Compute fold changes
result <-
unique (df[[measurement_col]]) |>
purrr:: map_dfr (function (measure) {
dt_measure <-
dt |>
dplyr:: filter (.data[[measurement_col]] == measure)
group_cols |>
purrr:: map_dfr (function (group_col) {
dt_measure |>
dplyr:: summarise (
mean_value = mean (.data[[value_col]], na.rm = TRUE ),
.by = dplyr:: all_of (group_col)
) |>
dplyr:: summarise (
AVAL = mean_value[1 ] / mean_value[2 ],
group_value1 = .data[[group_col]][1 ],
group_value2 = .data[[group_col]][2 ],
group_column = group_col,
!! measurement_col := measure
) |>
dplyr:: collect ()
}) |>
dplyr:: mutate (
PARAM = "fold_change"
) |>
dplyr:: relocate (
dplyr:: any_of (c (
"group_column" ,measurement_col,
"group_value1" ,"group_value2" ,
return (result)